8 Tips To Be Safe And Have Fun In College Party Circuits

These are the top X things that you should avoid in college especially your first year. This geared towards newbie's, of course, every year you should probably avoid doing these things. The following are the things that you should not do in college especially in your first year.
The first thing that even made this list when I was creating it is frat boys. this is a bit of advice towards my female readers avoid frat boys at all cost to avoid looking like a freshman by wearing your lanyard with your college ID around your neck it's a something that only a freshman would do. I will be able to spot you from a mile away. However, do not lose your ID card. You need to put it in a safe space that is not around your neck. If you lose, your ID is probably going to be at least $25 to get a new one and that is pointless
I am never going to tell you to avoid a college party because that is what college is about to an extent. However, avoid getting sloppy drunk at a party where you do something so awful that you will never be able to live it down. Do not embarrass yourself at your first college party.
When you're out partying with your friends or I got a frat party you're at a club or something wherever you're at where there are drinks avoid drinks from guys and. I am not saying, "Don't drink with male students," I am saying avoid taking drinks from male students because they will spike them. Of course, these roles reverse gents, do not accept drinks from girls. Go buy your own physically pick it up off the counter and watch it the whole night. If you set your glass of drink down and look away, get a new one.
Avoid those friends that only hit you up when they need something or when you can help them with something because they are fake. Avoid those people who only text you at 2:00 a.m. with their shirt off drunk you are a "booty call". Do not be a booty call.
When you are at a function or with friends or talking to anyone avoid talking about high school. Do not talk about how smart you are, how cute you are, or how athletic you are because it is college now and nobody cares. If you were smart in high school and you go to a good college then everyone in the college is smart or if you were smart in high school and you go to just an average college then nobody cares that you were smart.
 If you know that one person in high school that, you were not that good of friends with but now you are both going to the same college. Avoid hanging out with them you were not friends with them before or a reason. Just do not hang out with them because you know nobody else. Go make other friends. You should probably avoid hooking up with people from the same friend group and you should probably avoid hooking up with your best friend's exes.
To my female readers, avoid walking around campus by you period. Especially avoid walking around campus at night by yourself or even off-campus. Always have a friend and keep pepper spray or a Taser on you for safety reasons. 


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